SHOT TYPE 1- Shot from behind Katy's shoulder- wide angle, can see cody in bed and glass on table next to bed. 2- close up shot of glass and 'tab' being put into glass, also includes shot from above glass. 3- close up shot of cody's hand taking glass. 4-shows cody drinking from glass, putting it back and then looking at his hands. this is a mid shot. 5- close up of window frame.
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1- Possible zoom in on glass/katy- cut or pan to Cody. 2- static shot. 3- static shot. 4- Pan out to show cody as well as the glass. close up to more of a mid shot. 5- shot zooms to become a close up.
DIALOGUE 1-5 No dialogue.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the soundtrack.
LIGHTING 1-5 natural lighting.
SHOT TYPE 1- Mid shot- shows cody's upper body after panning out from square light (close up.) 2- mid shot of both characters. 3- long shot-shows both characters in full and their surroundings. 4- mid shot. 5- zoom in- becomes a close up.
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1 -starts with pan out. then becomes mid shot (static.) 2 - static. 3- static with several cuts. 4- static mid shot. 5- zoom.
DIALOGUE 1-5 no dialogue - cody says 'What the F***' under his breath.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the sound track.
LIGHTING- 1-5 The lighting present is mainly natural.
SHOT TYPE 1- close up to mid shot. 2- long shot - shows mostly background. 3- more of a mid shot. 4- same as shot 2. 5- mid shot 6- mid shot to close up (zoom.)
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1- zoom. 2-static. 3- static 4-static. 5 static. 6- zoom
DIALOGUE 1-5 no dialogue present.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the sound track.
LIGHTING- 1-5 The lighting present is mainly natural
SHOT TYPE 1- fairly long shot, changing angles with cuts. 2 same as 1. 3- long shot of door frame. 4- same as shot 2/3. 5- mid shot of door/cody.
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1- tracking shot. 2-5 static shots.
DIALOGUE 1-5 no dialogue present.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the sound track.
LIGHTING 1-5 The lighting present is mainly natural
SHOT TYPE 1-4- mid shots. taken @ same angle etc. 5-long shot.
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1-4 stationary shots. 5- tracking long/wide shot.
DIALOGUE 1-5 no dialogue present.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the sound track.
LIGHTING 1-5 The lighting present is mainly natural
SHOT TYPE 1- long shot 2 mid shot- can see cody's top half of body. 3- long shot 4- mid shot 5- close up of mask.
CAMERA MOVEMENT 1-5 camera is stationery.
DIALOGUE 1-5 no dialogue present.
NON- DIEGETIC SOUND 1-5 the only sound present is the sound track.
LIGHTING 1-5 The lighting present is mainly natural
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Shooting Schedule (+ Prop list)
(I have altered this post from Alice's POV to mine)
Alice concluded a shooting schedule for our group, which lists
all the shots our music video needs in the order we film them in. All of the
shooting days require the same actors, crew, props, costumes and transport.
This is because our music video only involves 2 actors (2 members of our group)
and the events within it happen in one day, so the actors are wearing the same
costumes for every shooting schedule.
Prop List
- · SLR Camera
- · Tripod
- · Mask
For the final shooting day (Additional):
- · Photo Frame
- · Photo of the two actors (for the photo frame)
- · Glass of water
- · Drug (Beroca vitamin sup.)
Despite that our prop list is very short, it means that
there is less to remember when it comes to shooting the footage. I like it how our
idea for our music video is creative and unique, yet it only displays the use
of one prop – the mask – which behold significance in the video.
The last shooting day requires 4 additional props as it is
when we are filming the introduction of our music video/narrative. Because the
setting of this is based in a house, it is easy to access a photo frame, glass
of water and a drug. The picture for the photo frame can be printed off at our
school by connecting the mobile to a computer using a USB cable. Therefore, all
of our props are essential to create the narrative, yet they are easy to
Our group was also planning
to use a GoPro camera to film some hand-held shots, as we thought these
would add realism to our music video so the audience can see from the actors’
perspectives. We experimented with
Katy’s tripod but the footage was blurry and lacked good quality. Therefore, we
decided not to use a GoPro for our video.
Shooting day 1
Location: Market Place, Norwich
Date : -
Start/end times: -
Transport: I can easily access a bus to Norwich due to
frequent bus timetable and a bus pass. Katy and Ben can either get a bus or a
lift to the city and Cody can cycle into the centre.
Actors Required: Cody and Katy
Crew required: Ben and Alice
Equipment needed: SLR Camera, Tripod
Costume, Set dressing:
Our actors are required to wear all black. The set does not to be
decorated as we are filming the actors walking through and around the Norwich
Shot numbers (from storyboards): -
Shooting day 2
Location: The abandoned prison and the top floor of St
Andrews car park, both in Norwich
Date : -
Start/end times: -
Transport: Bus, car lifts and cycling (Cody)
Actors Required: Cody and Katy
Crew required: Ben and Alice
Equipment needed: SLR Camera, Tripod
Costume, Set dressing:
Our actors are required to wear all black. The set does not need to be
decorated as we are filming in a public area.
Shot numbers (from storyboards): -
Notes (things to remember): This is the time to film shots
that have different angles e.g. high angle shot, close up
Shooting day 3
Location: St Andrews car park, Norwich (and the Norwich
market to film transition shots)
Date : -
Start/end times: -
Transport: Bus, car
lifts and cycling (Cody)
Actors Required: Cody and Katy
Crew required: Ben and Alice
Equipment needed: SLR Camera, Tripod
Costume, Set dressing:
Our actors are required to wear all black. The set does not need to be
decorated as we are filming in a public area.
Shot numbers (from storyboards): -
Notes (things to remember): Consider the possible reflection
of the camera being shown on the door (whilst filming the shot of Cody opening
the door), and give plenty of time for filming this scene as time will be
wasted waiting for people to walk through the camera shots.
Shooting day 4
Location: Ben’s house, Poringland
Date : November 9th
Start/end times: 3.30 – 4.00
Transport: Bus, car lifts and cycling (Cody)
Actors Required: Cody and Katy
Crew required: Ben – Alice is not required for this scene as Ben
knows how to use her camera and it will take less than 30 minutes to film.
Poringland is a long car journey from where Alice lives.
Equipment needed: SLR Camera, Tripod (as well as the
additional props)
Costume, Set dressing:
Our actors are required to wear all black. More consideration needs to
be taken with the set than the other shooting days because it is inside a
bedroom – therefore, it is important that the bedroom suits the character it
belongs to.
24k Magic is by american singer songwriter, Bruno Mars, who rose to fame in 2010 after the release of his first solo album, 'Doo-wops & Hooligans' which featured singles like 'Grenade' and 'Just The Way You Are.' He released his second album in 2012 called 'Unorthodox Jukebox,' which went to number 1 in America. This album featured singles like 'Locked out of Heaven' and 'When I Was Your Man.' In 2014, Bruno lent his vocals to producer Mark Ronson for his track 'Uptown Funk' which lead to him landing six number-one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 since his career launched in 2010.
24K Magic was released on the 7th of October, 2016. 24K Magic is a synth-heavy funk, disco and contemporary R&B song. The song debuted at number 5 on the Billboard Charts, with 101,000 downloads and 12.8 million streams, as well as topping the French SNEP chart and featuring in top 10 charts globally.
Bruno Mars tend to release music videos that aren't consistent and many of his songs vary concerning genre. For example, the video for 'Just The Way You Are' is a much slower song so has a much more calm, toned down and romantic style narrative. His more recent music creates more of a motif for his music, for example, looking at the video for 'Uptown Funk,' it is a more similar 'old school' kind of video which features a performance with women that don't seem to be wearing much clothing. The clothing/costume featured in his videos changes consistently. For example, in this video he is wearing more 'vintage' style clothing.
His older videos feature more of a smart style that consists mainly of suits and simple, monochrome costume.

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fig.1 |
As an artist, Bruno Mars releases videos that tend to include a performance. Many of his videos include a female character, whether it's a 'ballad' that is aimed at the single character of a variety of females who are used as a prop or as backing dancers for the video.
In the video for '24K Magic' the latter is more present. Figure 1 shows an image of the artist surrounded by dancing females. This gives the impression of the, being used as a prop. This links with Laura Mulvey's theory of 'Male Gaze.' This is essentially where a media text is created in a way that reflects the viewing pleasures of a hetero-sexual male. This is evident in the sense that these women are wearing a costume that is seemingly skimpy in order to please the male characters in the video.
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fig.2 |
Figure 2 shows an image that highlights male gaze in it's most obvious form, the video cuts from a group of girls dancing to the song, which in itself reinforces the objectification of women as they are dancing to his song in a way he likes. Figure 2 highlights male gaze in the sense that they have chosen a body that is what could be considered perfectly formed as it is more pleasing, rather than picking something that is unappealing and may decrease the sale-ability of the video. In this it is evident there is a notable absences when it comes to the age of the people featured in the video. For example, there are no people of which you could consider middle aged or older than Bruno Mars himself.
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fig 3. |
Figure 3 shows the people featured in the video subverting stereotypes in the sense that it shows 5 perfectly capable men using mobility scooters as a method of transport. This combined with their age, ability and the fact that they're throwing money from the basket, flips the stereo typical use of mobility scooters on it's heads. The idea of subverting stereotypes and stereotypical behaviour can also be seen in this video in figure 4. Figure 4 shows the characters in the video wearing pyjamas and robes that would not necessarily be linked with conventional videos in the genre.
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fig. 4 |
The video for 24 Magic is extremely hedonistic. This is the idea that the video is essentially self indulgent. Figure 5 shows a shot of a, what looks like, private jet along side multiple expensive looking cars. This also links with the images that show the female characters flaunting their bodies. Throughout the video, people can be seen at an extravagant party drinking what looks like champagne. They can also be seen to be spending money in a casino.
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fig 5. |
. This gives the impression of an extremely glamorised lifestyle.
In terms of being misogynistic, this video doesn’t
specifically fit that category. The video shows what could be considered as inappropriate
images of women, this however is not a misogynistic representation but more of
one that links to the idea of male gaze and putting that in place to please the
hetero sexual male.
In respect of hegemony, the dominant culture in this video seems
to be that of almost gang culture with an expensive fast paced lifestyle. You could
also say that this video shows males as dominant over females, making them the
dominant culture. The shots of the male characters in the video are much more
flattering than that of the females. The shots of the women are much more
objectifying, when the shots of the men are flattering and make them seem like
they’re in a position that is to be desired.
Regarding hegemony, in this video, the power is held by the male characters. Looking at the video in a more indepth fashion, it could be said that the female characters are holding control in the video by using their bodies as objects to hold the focus of the male characters, but, my imediate reaction would be that the male characters hold the power and the female characters are either 'performing' in a way that they believe would capture male attention or have been manipulated in a way that makes them feel like it is needed for them to dress and act in a certain way.
Personally, I believe that the representation is constructed by the framing and shooting of the male characters. This is done in a much more flattering sense than that of the female characters. The male characters in this video are shot in a way that makes them seem dominant, for example, the use of high angle shots places the men above the camera, meaning they hold control over the camera, what the audience see's and anyone else who is involved in the video.
Personally, I believe that the representation is constructed by the framing and shooting of the male characters. This is done in a much more flattering sense than that of the female characters. The male characters in this video are shot in a way that makes them seem dominant, for example, the use of high angle shots places the men above the camera, meaning they hold control over the camera, what the audience see's and anyone else who is involved in the video.
With regards to cross referencing with this video, Bruno Mars
doesn’t necessarily have much of a motif going on. He tends to use female
characters in many of his videos but tends to change the representation of them
in each video. For example, in his video for ‘Just The Way You Are,’ he
flatters the woman in the video rather than completely objectifying her and
using her as something for men to look at.
The video for ‘Gorilla’ is one that is extremely sexualised.
This links to the video for 24k but is even more so. The video features several
images of women wearing very little and acting in a way that is also highly
sexualised. This video is extremely voyeuristic. This video has women acting in
a sexualised manner which may give others pleasures from watching it. Again in
this video, the women are objectified for the pleasure of Bruno Mars or the
viewer of the video.
The video for 24k magic represents hetero sexual
relationships in a very obvious way. It shows men objectifying woman and
watching them ‘perform’ for them. It doesn’t
challenge any stereo typical representations. It also identifies all the
characters, or doesn’t identify the women with any sexuality at all. It puts
them in place as an object to please the hereto sexual males of the video. This
is similar in a lot of currently music videos in the sense that many women are
objectified as something th please the men. For example, Rihanna’s video for ‘Work’
shows her dancing and entertaining multiple men in a seductive way, implying
the men have power over her and she is just performing in that way for the sake
of the men watching her.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
When it came to choosing who we wanted to act
in our video, we decided to keep the actors in our group as we thought this
would be easier as we knew, as a group, what we wanted to achieve, so instead
of having to relay our ideas to other people who may not understand the kind of
things we wanted do with our video, we decided to use myself and Cody for the
main actors for our video.
In a similar sense, we decided not to ask
people to be extras for our video as all the locations we are using are city
centre locations that are always highly populated with people which works well
with the distorting concept of our video.
We chose to cast people of our age in the
video is essentially about two teenagers, ones who is fixated on the thought of
being in love with a certain girl, who may be a figure of his imagination.
Our male character is a seemingly
secretive and closed off person. Cody can easily achieve this, with his costume;
it’s extremely easy to create the representations we wanted.
Cody isn’t a drama student which we thought,
for both characters, could cause issues, but we realised our roles are simple
enough that it will be easy to create the images we wanted to, regardless of
whether we are drama students.
I am taking the role of the female character.
This is a fairly simple role, and as I'm not a drama student, it is easy for me
to carry out.
Our female character is a very illusive and,
in a sense, mysterious character in that we, as the audience don't know if she actually
Although, I’m 17 and Cody is 18, we felt this would fit perfectly with what we were trying to achieve with our portrayal of our characters, as like many teenagers, we are showing them to be extremely closed off and secretive people who are extremely susceptible to ‘love’ even when it doesn’t really exist.
Although, I’m 17 and Cody is 18, we felt this would fit perfectly with what we were trying to achieve with our portrayal of our characters, as like many teenagers, we are showing them to be extremely closed off and secretive people who are extremely susceptible to ‘love’ even when it doesn’t really exist.
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